We’re happy to announce that we’ll be holding a workshop on location-based mobile app and interactive installation design at the International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR) this Sept. in Munich, Germany. The workshop on Designing Location-Based Experiences bridges topics such as user experience and application design as a function of the story structure you would like to target for your product experience.

Location_Based_Experience_DesignWith the rise of smart phones as well as IoT and connected devices, the integration of interactive technologies into the physical environment will continue to open up many ways to tell stories. The development of location-based applications from the perspective of story structure and product design will be presented as well as the challenges inherent in location-based mobile products. We will center on the storytelling perspective and tools for integrating user experience into the development process to drive story structure of new products. This will included an overview of user experience design in mobile apps and installations, sketching and prototyping techniques and the use of technologies such as the augmented reality (AR) SDK and Junaio AR browsers to test and deploy location aware apps. Case studies will also be presented including the Case studies will also be presented including the Ghost of Venice mixed reality film project and Lost In Reality mobile storytelling platform.

More information on the workshop is on the official ISMAR webpage and our main page for the workshop.

ISMAR2014 Workshop
